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A multi-sensory exploration named after Kym Priess' late great bronco-riding father, Ryland. 

The performance piece combines painted found objects from her parents' Texas barn, text found on index cards from an NYU speech class,

a series of movements observed from Ryland's body in his 2021 catastrophic medical struggle and death,  

and is ultimately accompanied by live sounds made by Kym via voice, electric bass,

and an old Yamaha synth that comes equipped with an inspiring drum machine and absurd sound F/X like horses galloping and a cuckoo clock. 


Below you will find images of the work-in-progress: the visual art being created, writings, scribblings and images of Dan Ryland Priess.


NOTE: This has NOTHING to do with STDR. It is merely living as a hidden page on this website :)   

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